Teditorial: Guides make zip line outing a fun adventure
Stepping off of a platform over a deep canyon is not something that comes natural to most people. Certainly, not to someone...
Letters to the Editor: published Sept. 4, 2020
Loss of Big Olaf a sad chapter
Let me get this straight: an ice cream shop is going to...
Letters to the Editor
Harbor needs a better internet connection
I have been coming to Catalina for over 30 years on our parents...
Time for bold leadership
Now that the news is out, that most of the cruise ships are discontinued, it is time to rethink what we are...
Opinion: Taking Catalina’s healthcare destiny in our hands
The COVID pandemic has dramatically illustrated, like nothing else in our lifetime, the importance of taking personal action to preserve our health...
Letters to the Editor: published Friday, July 3, 2020
Reader comments on masks and Census articles
I am responding to comments made in 2 articles in the June...
Letters to the Editor: May 22, 2020
Donate to Avalon
Four generations of my family have enjoyed the unique, quaint charm of Avalon each summer since...
Guest column: Catalina sees best, worst of individuals in a stressful...
Dear Avalon residents and visitors,
As CEO of Catalina Island Medical Center, COVID-19 has consumed my thoughts for the...
Teditorial: Opportunities to learn, help or relax with a drink
While there seems to be no clear end to this Coronavirus shutdown in sight, there is much speculation...
Guest editorial: Avalon Lions Club Corona Virus Response Update
By Burney Ramming
For the Islander
As the Avalon Lions Club President, I would like to...