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Letter to the Editor: published Friday, June 4, 2021

Creating a monster Opportunism has never known boundaries and can take advantage of global pandemic adjustments, both good and...

Letter to the Editor: published Friday, May 14, 2021

Can’t wait to return I was fortunate enough to return to Catalina for a...

Letter to the editor: An Islander reader shares memories

Laurence See during his service. Photo courtesy of Laurence See I ran across these photos when going through...

Reporter’s Notebook: 2020 felt all too familiar

Pandemic frustrations are familiar to those who have struggled with chronic or serious illness I...

Letters to the Editor: Jan. 15, 2021

Covid-19 vaccine services on the Island Last week I received my Covid-19 vaccination. When I got the shot, I...

Letter to the Editor: published Jan. 1, 2021

Catalina Island Humane Society requests your help Dear Friends, Our sincere hope is that this letter...

Letter to the Editor: published Dec. 11, 2020

Pleased to see transient rentals on Dec. 15 agenda I am pleased to see the second reading regarding an...

Guest Opinion: About Chapter 9 bankruptcy

When cities sustain losses to revenue due to COVID-19, is bankruptcy the way? Gordon Hamlin...

Rambling Rhoades: Domestic violence a scourge, but there’s hope

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic violence is a scourge on society that leaves physical and emotional...

Teditorial: Guides make zip line outing a fun adventure

Stepping off of a platform over a deep canyon is not something that comes natural to most people. Certainly, not to someone...