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City seeks state grant to replenish sand

City staff has apply for a state grant to fund a project to minimize sand loss on South...

Keep an eye on the eagle’s nest

The 2020 bald eagle season saw seven active bald eagle pairs and four healthy chicks successfully fledge the nest. The bird shown...

Fox monitoring vital on Catalina Island

In the small, slowly-lightening hours of dawn, three conservation workers prepared to spend six weeks with one of Catalina Island’s most iconic...

Avalon Food Security program feeds families

On behalf of the Avalon Community Church, city of Avalon and the Food Security Advisory Committee, we would like to thank everyone...

Conservancy’s art show reaches international audience online

Gross revenue from this year’s event totaled more than $160,000 The Catalina Island Conservancy’s 2020...

Conservancy’s perpective on precipitation

Whatever the weather: precipitation variability on Catalina Before Avalon was officially a city, before many...

Avalon officials announce sea rise survey

Coastal Commission requires cities to plan for sea level change The city of Avalon is...

Conservancy Symposium Begins with Plant Chat

The Catalina Island Conservancy Annual Symposium, sponsored by the Port of Long Beach, began in its new virtual format this week, reaching...

Wild Side Art Show starts strong

The Catalina Island Conservancy’s Catalina: The Wild Side Art Show and Sale is celebrating its 10-year anniversary with a virtual exhibition that...

10th Wild Side art festival goes virtual

The 10th annual Catalina: The Wild Side is fast approaching on Oct. 25 through Nov. 7 and this...