London Escorts sunderland escorts

Avalon Harbor Patrol officer to get Medal of Valor

An Avalon Harbor Patrol officer will be honored for rescuing a fellow officer later this month. The 2021 International...

Shark bites youth near Island

Minor suffered an injury to the hand An indi individual was bitten by a shark...

Avalon City Council looks at budget for 2021-2022

The Avalon City Council reviewed the 2021-22 budget this week at a special Thursday, June 24, meeting that...

Teditorial: Amateur photographers take aim at the coast

The 22nd annual California Ocean and Coastal Amateur Photography Contest is underway. The contest is sponsored by the California Coastal Commission and...

Avalon City Council gets briefing on DDT waste site

By Ted Apodaca At its June 1 meeting, the Avalon City Council got a briefing from the UC Santa...

Avalon Harbor Activity Report for April 2021

1,010 boats visit Avalon harbor in one month, the most since 2009 Avalon Boat Stand...

City of Avalon supporting DDT cleanup resolution

Avalon Assistant City Manager Michael Parmer reported at last week’s city council meeting that the city had participated...

New survey finds massive DDT waste dump

Barrels of toxic waste were dumped in the waters off Catalina Shortly after World War II until the early...

Discovery of DDT sludge near Catalina causing a stir

Staff Report Scientists have again confirmed the existence of a massive toxic dump site in the ocean between Long...

March 2021 Harbor Report

Well, here we are a year after the “COVID Bomb” hit our small town and the rest of...