Conservancy Celebrated at Annual Ball
Nearly 400 guests joined the nonprofit Catalina Island Conservancy to celebrate the Enchanting Island at the Annual Conservancy...
International Botanical Collaborations on Catalina
Many collaborators had worked on Catalina for decades
March marked the first time that Catalina...
Rare plant population observed on Catalina
A team of Catalina Island Conservancy and partner botanists forayed into the field earlier this month to search for the very rare...
Moonlight surveys gather data
Information being gathered about Scripps’s Murrelets on Catalina
By Jessica Boudevin
In January, Catalina Island Conservancy...
Middle Ranch Reservoir level rises
Catalina may soon ‘exit’ Stage 1 restrictions
The local reservoir water level has risen. Avalon...
Water level continues to increase slightly
By Charles M. Kelly
Avalon’s water level has increased a bit since last week. In related news, the National...
Harbor Underwater Cleanup returns Feb. 25
Only time scuba diving is allowed in Avalon Harbor
For the Islander
The Avalon Harbor Underwater...
Water level update: 2023
The local water reservoir level has ticked up ever-so-slightly, according to the latest water level update from Southern...
Conservancy restoration project highlights coastal sage scrub
A new exclosure in Little Harbor showcases the unique habitat type while focusing on two rare species
Teacher discovers rare bird at Avalon School
For the Islander
Have you noticed the geese that have been in town recently? They were knocked off course...