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Council to approve first medical cannabis permit

The Avalon City Council unanimously declared its intent to award a medical cannabis delivery-only permit to CJMH Group, Inc. Staff will bring the permit back...

Planners to look at parking committee

Avalon city staff will bring an action item for the Planning Commission to consider forming a parking subcommittee in January. The Planning Commission discussed parking...

Avalon raises cross channel fee $1

The Avalon City Council this week approved an increase of cross channel carrier fees, with a sunset date of Feb. 28, 2021. The staff proposal...

Council OKs Mole float repair

The City Council this week approved a proposal to spend no more than $105,000 to have Al Larson Boat Shop repair Float #1 at...

City Council to hold hearing on ‘granny flats’

The Avalon City Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing Monday, Nov. 19, on a proposed ordinance to regulate accessory dwelling units, sometimes...

Council supports creation of homeless task force

The Avalon City Council unanimously supported a staff proposal to create a homelessness task force. The large issue of affordable housing also came up....

City adopts $17.6 million FY 2018-19 budget

Following an early morning special session last week, the Avalon city council finally adopted a budget for its current fiscal year after auditors and...

Von’s causing parking woes before opening

Three months before the new Von’s Supermarket is set to open, Avalon residents are grappling with parking problems associated with the massive new structure. Public...

State wildlife agency cracks down on deer feeders

Longtime resident and former mayor Rudy Piltch caused a bit of an uproar this week when he learned that an Avalon resident would soon...

Avalon ‘dodged a bullet’ with Hurricane Rosa

Catalina Island and the city of Avalon “dodged a bullet” as Hurricane Rosa changed course and made everyone on the island breathe a bit...