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Avalon City Council approves Stage zero of Cabrillo Mole rehab

The Avalon City Council last week unanimously approved stage 0 of the 10-stage $20-million Cabrillo Mole Rehabilitation Project.

City awards Five Corners contract

The council on this week voted unanimously to authorize the city manager to execute a contract with Jordahl...

Sidewalk vendor update

The City Council had a second discussion about sidewalk vending permits at the Oct. 1 meeting.

Avalon city manager gets raise

The Avalon City Council on Tuesday, Oct. 1, gave City Manager David Maistros a pay raise this week.

Cruise ship fees to rise to $7.50 a passenger

Last week the Avalon City Council unanimously adopted new wharfage fees for cruise ships...

Council has conversation about recreational cannabis

The Avalon City Council discussed the feasibility of allowing recreational cannabis during the Sept. 17 meeting. The conversation...

Avalon discusses street vendors

By Charles M. Kelly The council spent about two hours discussing whether to change Avalon’s sidewalk vendor ordinance.

City council increases cruise ship wharfage

The Avalon City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday, Sept. 3, to increase cruise ship wharfage fees by $2.50...

Avalon to update city wireless rules

The City Council unanimously introduced an ordinance that updates the city code covering wireless facilities. The proposed ordinance...

Avalon Awards reverse vending machine contract

The council last week unanimously awarded a contract to Olyns Inc. to provide the city with a reverse vending machine. The maximum...