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On the Water: Small World

  As I was getting back into the discipline of writing a weekly column (I know, it looks easy), I started reflecting on the time...

Feb. 24 harbor clean-up participants invited to dive into history

  This Saturday, Feb. 24, will mark the 37th installment of the annual Avalon Harbor cleanup. For nearly four decades scuba divers have traveled to...

Scuba Diving: Please don’t bug me

  Did you know that the “California Spiny Lobster” can live in depths below 200 feet? Now how’s that for a deep habitat! Females can...

OnBoat offers unique island charters

  An entrepreneur from Massachusetts has paired up with dozens of boat owners along the California coast to offer concierge charter service to Catalina Island. Marc...

On the Water: Halibut on the Beaches

  Catalina is not known for halibut. The near shore glory fish here are White Sea Bass and Yellowtail, both are game fighters and delicious...

Scuba Diving: California Golden Gorgonia flourish here

  The California Golden Gorgonian, or “Muricea Californica,” often referred to as “Sea Fans,” make their home right here throughout the rocky reefs of Southern...

Scuba Diving: Sea life mistake trash for prey

Debris like this pictured here is an all to common scene for any of us who spend time out on the water. Balloons are...

Scuba Diving: Sea Anenone

The Metridium farcimen pictured is a type of Sea Anenone that lives within the Eastern Pacific Ocean from Alaska all the way down to...

Scuba Diving: Friday, Jan. 26, 2018

Treefish like this one pictured above can be found from San Francisco, California all the way down to the central part of Baja, Mexico...

Scuba Diving: Man-O-War

So here I am in the beautiful Florida Keys? How on earth did I get here 2,800 miles from home ? Did I swim?...