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Guest column: Catalina sees best, worst of individuals in a stressful...

Dear Ava­lon residents and visitors, As CEO of Catalina Island Medi­cal Center, COVID-19 has consumed my thoughts for the...

Excerpt from ‘Minutes with the Mayor:’ Avalon prepares for a soft...

Editor’s note: This excerpt from the mayor’s Wednesday, April 29 broadcast has been edited to fit available space...

Sheriff’s Log: April 22 to April 28, 2020

Editor’s note: The following is the Avalon Sheriff’s Station significant incidents report for the week of April 22 to April 28, 2020....

Sheriff’s Log: April 15 to April 21, 2020

Editor’s note: The following is the Avalon Sheriff’s Station significant incidents report for the week of April 15 to April 21, 2020....

Teditorial: Opportunities to learn, help or relax with a drink

While there seems to be no clear end to this Coronavirus shutdown in sight, there is much speculation...

Coming together in time of crisis

In COVID’s wake, Food Pantry meeting unprecedented need It was something Nia Gerard never imagined...

Avalon’s Census response could affect city finances

Response rate reported at 7.5% as of Wednesday; the national rate: 49.1% So far, only...

Text of city statement on financial impact of 2020 Census

“The 2020 Census is critical as it has a significant impact on how billions in federal funds are...

Sheriff’s Log: April 8-April 14, 2020

Editor’s note: The following is the Avalon Sheriff’s Station significant incidents report for the week of April 8 to April 14, 2020....

Guest editorial: Avalon Lions Club Corona Virus Response Update

By Burney Ramming For the Islander As the Avalon Lions Club President, I would like to...