The city of Avalon reached out to the school and the community this fall to rekindle the Special Olympics programming on the island. After hosting a community meeting it was deemed that tennis would be the sport of choice by these local athletes for their first season. A very special thank you goes out to the Island Company for hosting the 10-week program at the Country Club tennis courts and Councilmember Albers with the women’s tennis club for the use of tennis racquets, tennis balls and tennis hoppers.
All four athletes participating this season were new to the sport of tennis and each developed well over the course of the season. Towards the end of the season coach Dan hosted two athletes from the Calabasas area on the island the end of October for both a skills competition and a singles round robin tournament for those able to play a singles tennis match. Our Avalon athletes fared well receiving two first place ribbons, two second place ribbons and one third place ribbon for their efforts.
Each practice coaches were greeted with “ear to ear” smiles and shrieks of delight throughout the practices. The City of Avalon will look to continue to grow and expand the program in subsequent seasons.
The next season will be start in February with a community meeting in early January to choose the sport for the season. For further inquiries regarding the program or any programs with the City of Avalon, please contact Dan Huncke, Community Services Director, at dhuncke@cityofavalon.com or 310-510-0220.