Avalon city staff will bring an action item for the Planning Commission to consider forming a parking subcommittee in January.
The Planning Commission discussed parking in Avalon’s commercial district on Dec. 5. However, according to City Attorney Scott Campbell, the commission could not form a committee that night because the public notice had said the matter was for “discussion only” that night.
“We’ll have an action item in January,” he said. Campbell suggested considering forming the sub-committee at the January meeting, which he said would be about 10 days after the new Vons opens. Earlier in the meeting, Commissioner Eric Huart pointed out that when Vons is relocated to the new store, the whole dynamic of parking in Avalon would change.
• In her staff report to the commission, Planning Director Amanda Cook wrote that she did not believe formulaic parking for in-fill development was needed.
• Commissioner Paula Patterson suggested having permitted residential parking from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. so the city would “have a grip” on which golf cart goes with which house. She also raised concern about the city’s parking enforcement technology.
• Campbell said cars stored on the street were abandoned vehicles and may be removed.