Catalina gathers on Memorial Day to honor and remember fallen
The local 4862 VFW hosted the Memorial Day event at the Avalon Cemetery on May 30. Commander Richard Huband led the ceremony with the pledge of allegiance. Pastor Enrique Dominguez gave a prayer for fallen soldiers, our present heroes, and thanking God for allowing us to grow up in this free country.
Pastor was followed by local Veteran Jerry Motter who gave a history of Memorial Day, he was followed by citizen David Hart who read an impassioned poem from Navy Seal Commander Jocko Willink; Remember Me, the Fallen Soldier, and Commander Huband ended the speeches on the importance of remembering.
The Local VFW then did a folding of the flag ceremony for a local veteran Anthony Felts who recently passed away. Terry Felts his brother a veteran himself, received the flag. Then a 21-gun salute followed by the playing of taps, gave us one more reminder of the importance of the day.
Afterward Megan Wright of Pancake Cottage, sponsored a free breakfast buffet for our local Veterans at City Park. They enjoyed pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, fresh cut fruit and good afternoon of reminiscing.