On April 29, the city of Avalon Youth Basketball program finished their last games at Avalon High School Gymnasium.
The program had over 170 youth participants from the grade K-8.
K-2 was a developmental league teaching young ones the fundamentals of passing, dribbling, defense, and shooting.
The competitive leagues consist of 3-5 grade boys and girls, 6-8th grade boys and girls with 4 to 5 teams in each league. As the popularity of the program grows so does the skill level of the players, which brought us weekly games coming down to the final shot and easily the most exciting games the program has seen.
There were some outstanding players to choose from for the Player of the Year: 3-5 grade girls: Lilly Garcia, 6-8 grade boys: Brandon Tamayo, 3-5 grade girls: Vikki Soto, 6-8 grade boys: Gustavo Hernandez. To get a full list of all award winner go to city of Avalon Recreation Facebook page.
The city would like to also thank all the volunteer coaches who take time out of their day to make sure the youth have coaches, mentors, and guidance.
One coach that was honored is Carlos Martinez who after volunteering and coaching hundreds of kids over eight years is stepping down from Avalon Youth Programs because he now coaches both the Girls and Boys Volleyball team at Avalon High School.
The city honored him on April 29 by making him our first Hall Of Fame coach, for volunteering his time, money, and his love to make sure that every kid feels like they belong and are part of a team. It is truly his greatest gift.
David Hart is recreation coordinator for the city of Avalon.