The sky was a little overcast but the ocean conditions were perfect for Catalina Island Swim Club’s benefit swim for Pancreatic Cancer, PanCan.org. The ocean was as calm and as smooth as a pool, the water temperature was 71 and the water, so clear, that clear water that Catalina is noted for.
Forty-one swimmers showed up for the event, some swimming the 2.2 miles round trip to Frog Rock and others just getting their hair wet. Along with many of the Islanders swimmers were visitors from over-town that the joined us for this festive event. A treat for all of us was to have Walt Puffer who is in his 90s swim with us. Along with the forty-one humans was Christy Lin’s dog, Charlie, who completed the 2.2-mile swim this year.
Following the swim we had a huge pot luck, “calorie replacement breakfast.” Catalina Cookie Company donated a bottomless supply of delicious hot coffee along with cream and cups. Xterra wetsuits, xterrawetsuits.com, again this year, donated classy knit gear bags to every swimmer.
The fastest swimmers finished the 2.2-mile swim in about ninety-five minutes. (Emily, a nurse at our hospital, Kate Eagan, and Don Beaumont who operates the Catalina Classic Cruises). As a note, Don and Ron Eron swam in high school together. Other swimmers had a longer swim, not a longer distance but a longer time!
The swim raised about $6,500 for PANCAN.ORG. Each swimmer donated about $30 and encouraged friends and family to donate by way of social media.
This benefit swim is held every year on the third Saturday of September which is Art Festival Weekend. Save the date, join us or have your swimming type friends join us next year.
Our next big swim event will be a New Year’s Day Swim from the Casino at 7:30 a.m. and a City of Avalon-sponsored “Polar Plunge” at Middle Beach at 11:30 a.m.
If you have ever been interested in ocean swimming, check out our very informal, no rules, no dues, just for fun group. We meet every day of the year, 7 a.m. weekdays and 7:30 a.m. holidays and weekends. For more information, call Charlie Canby at 310-809-0661.