Housing, water on 2017 agenda

Avalon Bay

An informal online Catalina Islander survey found many residents concerned about housing, water and land use. The Islander also emailed City officials, who expressed concerns about water, housing and infrastructure.

The Islander asked residents, “What are the challenges and opportunities facing Avalon in the year ahead?”

The survey was taken in late December and early January, before the recent start of rainy weather.

The public’s perspective

An informal online Catalina Islander survey found many residents concerned about housing, water and land use. The Islander also emailed City officials, who expressed concerns about water, housing and infrastructure.

The Islander asked residents, “What are the challenges and opportunities facing Avalon in the year ahead?”

The survey was taken in late December and early January, before the recent start of rainy weather.

The public’s perspective

According to Angel Campbell, Ruby Danielle Gordon, and Mary Schickling, it all came down to one word: “Housing.”

According to Donna Terpinitz-Romo, the issue was “affordable housing.”

According to Judy Rios, the issues were “Affordable housing and the water situation.”

According to “Only on Catalina” columnist Chuck Liddell, the issues were, “Water, housing, and appropriate use of available land left, in that order.”

According to Mike McCormick, “The ability to store desalinated water, i.e.: a pipeline to the summit reservoir; and a modern grocery store. What’s going on there?”

According to Kelly Callaghan-Skoff, the issue was “housing! Affordability … space.”

According to Ruth Armida, the challenges facing Avalon were “water and over building for the resources we have.”

It is too soon to tell if recent rains will change the drought situation on Catalina. According to Forecaster Rich Tinker, of the National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center, California gets 35 to 50 percent of its water in January, February and March. For the next three months, Tinker expected “abnormally wet weather” in the Northern California. Tinker forecast persisting or worsening drought conditions in the southern and central parts of the state.

In a recent update to the community, City Manager David Jinkens reported that Avalon staff has been discussing water delivery issues with the Los Angeles (County) Regional Water Quality Control Board.

According to Scott Nelson, a former City Council member, the issues are “water, housing and self employment opportunities instead of corporate.” Nelson later added that most residents are afraid of the Santa Catalina Island Company.

Nelson expanded on his views in a recent telephone interview.

Nelson said Southern California Edison, Avalon’s drinking water provider, has not looked at story water. He said that as a result, they are dumping fresh water into the ocean every night. He said the city needs to build water storage. He suggested a 1 million gallon tank.

City and Edison staff members have been talking about water storage in recent weeks. They agree water storage is needed. The city and the utility company disagree about the size and placement of water tanks.

As for housing, Nelson advocated bringing pre-manufactured houses to the Island.

He said manufactured homes are designed to last 30 to 40 years.

The city and C&C Development have scheduled a community meeting on Avalon’s housing needs. The meeting will be held 4-6 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 8, in the City Council Chambers. For information about the meeting, call Barry Cottle, of C&C Development, at 714-288-7600, extension 220 or email him at barry@c-cdevl.com. The city recently signed an exclusive agreement with the C&C Development, a Tustin-based company that specializes in affordable housing.

However, water and housing were not the only issues on the public’s minds. According to Rios, another issue facing the city was, “That elephant in the room that we all ignore. The crime, petty theft is still theft. Car (even golf cart) theft is a felony and is still theft. Entering a home without permission is still breaking and entering isn’t it?”

Last week, Capt. Doug Fetteroll, commander of the Avalon Sheriff’s Station, reported that serious crime had decreased in Avalon for the second year in a row.

The city’s perspective

City officials had their own ideas:

According to City Manager David Jinkens:

“Challenges and Opportunities Facing Avalon in 2017:

“1. Ensure that specific steps are taken by our water utility in the short term and long term to assure an adequate and reliable year-round fresh water supply to Avalon and to see that immediate relief is provided to residents and business owners and operators regarding the existing drought regulations. We know what to do and where to do it, and we need the cooperation of our utility to do so. Seek cooperation from SCE and insist on near and long-term solutions. Seek grant funds to pay for needed improvements.

“2. Craft incentives and City policy that create opportunity for the private sector to develop quality workforce housing for people who live and work in Avalon and identify revenue sources that are available to help achieve this objective on an ongoing basis and identify sites to do same.

“3. Identify Federal and State grant resources and secure funds to update and repair the City’s wastewater treatment plant, sewer collector system, salt water system and funding for longer term recycled water solutions.

“4. Develop plans for repairing and rebuilding the Cabrillo Mole Transportation Center and proceed with work to do so.

“5. Seek funding for repair of Pebbly Beach Road and install a safety wall to protect the roadway and passerby’s from falling rocks and debris.

“6. Seek funding for green options such as solar energy, alternate fuel vehicles, energy efficiency grants for homes and living areas.

“7 Revise the City’s Local Coastal Plan

“8. Revise as necessary the City’s vehicle licensing and permitting program.

“9. Prepare and implement new development impact fees so that new development pays its fair share of the cost of impacts it creates.

“10. Be transparent and listen to the people of Avalon.

“11. Live within our means as a local government.

According to Councilman Oley Olsen”

“No. 1:  Water storage.  The de-sal plants can make enough water for our average use but with not a lot of storage we continue to draw down Middle Ranch for weekends and Hamilton Cove usage.  A pipeline to Wrigley reservoir at summit would give us 9,000,000 gals covering us on the weekends and Hamilton Cove.

“No. 2:  Parking. We have too many unregistered carts and cars in Avalon.  We also have people that were required to install off street parking but the park on the street.  For the next three or four months we will be studying the parking around town and lets see if any salutations come out.

“No. 3: Infrastructure.  Our town is old and we need a plan for the long-term maintenance of our sewer system, salt water system, roads, and the Mole.  After we have the plan, then we need to find the money.

“No. 4  Housing.  We have a large chunk of money to spend on housing and we are working the plan.

According to Councilwoman Cinde MacGugan-Cassidy:

“Here are some thoughts from my end.  By all means not a full list, however.


“1. Utilize Proposition 1 funding for water-related projects, dramatically reducing drought concerns for Island residents.

“2. Determine how best to utilize the resources available to us to create additional housing for Avalon residents.

“3. Identify opportunities to revitalize the mole – the gateway to the City of Avalon for visitors and residents.


“1. Continue to build relationships with the Santa Catalina Island Company, Conservancy and the City of Avalon and optimize the way all stakeholders work together for the betterment of the community.

“2. Balance a budget that balances the goals and requests of policy makers, community members and city staff.

“3. Address infrastructure needs, including Capital Improvements Department, Public Works Department and the Fire Departments City wide fire suppression system.

According to Mayor Anni Marshall:

“The city council will be tackling the age-old concern of transportation. For over 20 years the community has been concerned with traffic congestion, parking and vehicle noise. We recently enacted a vehicle moratorium, which has created a buzz in the community. The council is dedicated to researching and crating change if necessary.   We will continue to work with local, state and federal agencies, as needed to develop a sustainable water supply.  The improvement to our transportation hub, better known as ‘The Mole,’ will be started in an effort to keep our visitors and residents safe as they come to and fro. We would like to consider many improvements to that area in the years to come. Housing is always a concern and we are studying options for affordable le housing. We will continue to make road improvements and meet the daily challenges of running a viable community. This are just a few of the Avalon City Council’s ‘to do’ list.   (Is this a good start? )”

Comments from council members Joe Sampson and Richard Hernandez were unavailable.

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