During the Easter weekend, April 7-9, the Catalina Art Association held its annual Spring Fair on Front Street. President of the Art Association Lola DiMiele generously donated booth space to the Avalon Friends of the Library. Donated books were available to visitors and locals. Many people donated to the Friends.
The Friends raise money for extra things for the library. For example, the brand new books are purchased so Islanders do not have to wait for the county library system to get them to the island. Additionally, children’s programs and adult events like lectures are partly paid for by the fundraising by the Friends.
Librarian Paul Birchall orders children’s book so there is a fabulous selection for parents. Books donated for the library sale have been replaced with newer ones at the library.
“Because our library is so small, we urge islanders to donate the books to the Friends at 355 Descanso Ave.,” said Friends President Judy Grear.
“I separate them, taking unusual books to the library, putting some in the little library boxes, sending a variety to Two Harbors, and storing others for the next book sale. Paul saves discarded library books for us, but his storage space is limited,” she said. “When I first moved to the island, the library boxed old books and sent them to the mainland where they were often just dumped. Then for a while the Rotary took discards and donated books which they paid to ship to Romania! Now we join all California libraries twice a year with their Friends book sales,” Grear said.
Judy Grear is president of the Avalon Friends of the Library.