The Catalina Kids Fishing Derby had its biggest day of the year this Wednesday, July 24. The 22 anglers were hooking up everywhere and the winning number of fish caught was the largest amount of the year. They Anglers came from Boise Idaho, Newport, Phoenix AZ, San Diego, all over Orange County and our own Avalon. There were 269 fish caught, that’s 2.25 fish a minute. The winners were:
Biggest Fish 10 and under:
1. 14 ¼ ” – Austin Amoroso, Newport CA
2. 14” – Wesley Prevatt, Avalon CA
3. 13 ½” – Lucious Lichtenhan , Avalon CA
Biggest Fish 11 and over:
1. 13 ½” – Jake Canaris, San Diego, CA and Mathew Riley, Avalon CA
2. 13 ¼” – Cayden Cresswell, Phoenix AZ
3. 12 ½” – Brooke Canaris, San Diego CA
Most Fish Caught 10 and under:
1. 21 – Locious Lichtenhan, Avalon CA
2. 18 – Bridger Cresswell, Phoenix AZ
3. 17 – Austin Amoroso, Newport CA
Most Fish Caught 11 and over:
1. 40 – Brooke Canaris, San Diego CA
2. 31 – Jake Canaris, San Diego CA
3. 25 – Cayden Cresswell, Phoenix AZ
Fishing Derby Heats up July 10
The Catalina Kids Fishing Derby was hot on July 10. Competition was fierce as these young anglers fought to the bitter end to catch some great Catalina Memories. There were 27 anglers battling. They came from Boise Idaho, Filmore Utah, Simi Valley, Modesto, Lake Pines, and even our own Avalon. 150 fish were caught and seven fish were big enough to keep. The winners were:
Biggest Fish 10 and under:
1. 15.5” – Lucious Lichtenhon, Avalon CA
2. 14” – Ivan Ruddel, Chino Hills CA and Addison Yarbrough, Modesto CA
3. 13.5” – Wesley Prevatt, Avalon, CA
Biggest Fish 11 and over:
1. 15” – Ashton Bray, Boise ID
2. 14” – Jacob Yarbrough, Modesto CA
3. 13” – Austin, Rubio, Filmore UT
Most Fish Caught 10 and under:
1. 20 – Lucious Lichtenhon, Avalon CA
2. 16 – Addison Yarbrough, Modesto CA
3. 15 – Jacklyn Fansler, Avalon CA
Most Fish Caught 11 and over:
1. 11 – Ashton Bray, Boise ID
2. 10 – Lucy Davidson, Thousand Oaks CA
3. 6 – Austin Rubio, Filmore UT