December 2024 saw 0.7% more visitors than December 2023, according to data recently released by Love Catalina Island Tourism Authority (also known as the Chamber of Commerce).
“December’s total arrival count was above the three, five and ten-year averages by 4.3%, 33.9% and 28.2% respectively. Cross Channel Counts above include 818 arrivals at Two Harbors this year and 885 last year,” according to Love Catalina.
“Passengers arriving by sea in December totaled 69,903, down for the month by 1.4% from last year,” according to Love Catalina.
“December Cross Channel Passenger counts were above the three, five and ten-year averages by 4.1%, 22.5% and 14.3% respectively,” according to Love Catalina.
“Cross Channel Passengers made up 47.05% of total monthly arrivals,” according to Love Catalina.
“Cruise passenger counts totaled 35,169, up from 35,030 last year. That’s an increase of 0.4% from 2023 or by 139 visitors,” according to Love Catalina.
“December Cruise Passenger counts were above the three, five and ten-year averages by 5.90%, 52.40% and 50.41% respectively,” according to Love Catalina.
“Cruise Passengers made up 49.29% of total monthly arrivals,” according to Love Catalina.
“The number of Cruise Ships calling on Avalon in December was 10,” according to Love Catalina.
“2016 had the highest number of ships calling @ 11,” according to Love Catalina,” according to Love Catalina.
“December typically has 10 ships call on us,” according to Love Catalina.
“The Vessel Counts chart above is missing ten-year averages on number of ships due to a period of time where data was only tracked annually,” according to Love Catalina.
“Private Boater Passenger counts totaled 1,161, down by 23.2% from 1,512 last year or by 351 visitors,” according to Love Catalina.
“December Private Boater Passenger counts were below the three, five and ten-year averages by 8.6%, 1.8% and 6.0% respectively,” according to Love Catalina.
“Private Boaters made up 1.63% of total monthly arrivals,” according to Love Catalina.
“December’s number of Vessels Anchored was even with last year @ 149 boats,” according to Love Catalina.
“December was above the three, five and ten-year averages by 14.6%, 39.0% and 75.9% respectively,” according to Love Catalina.
“December’s number of Vessels on Moorings was down 13.5% from last year or by 51 boats,” according to Love Catalina.
“December was below the three-year average by 0.8% but above the five and ten-year averages by 7.9% and 14.7% respectively,” according to Love Catalina.
“Combined in-bound air passenger counts for December totaled 1,469, down 23.9% or 458 Arrivals from 2023,” according to Love Catalina.
“Private Aircraft Passengers (Airport in the Sky) totaled 978, down 27.6% or by 372 passengers vs. last year,” according to Love Catalina.
“December’s Private Aircraft Passenger count was below the three, five and ten-year averages by 18.6%, 12.6% and 2.2% respectively,” according to Love Catalina.
“Private Aircraft Passengers made up 1.37% of total monthly arrivals,” according to Love Catalina.
“Helicopter Passenger counts totaled 473 down year-over-year by 15.2% or 85 arrivals,” according to Love Catalina.
“Helicopter Passenger counts were below the three, five and ten-year averages by 11.1%, 5.2% and 31.9% respectively,” according to Love Catalina.
“Helicopter Passengers made up .66% of total monthly arrivals,” according to Love Catalina Tourism Authority.