Grant funds and building code also on Tuesday agenda
The Avalon City Council is scheduled on Tuesday, Dec. 3, on to look amending the section of the Municipal Code for anchoring and mooring. As part of the ordinance, staff is recommending that the council increase the liability coverage limit of moored vessels from $300,000 to $500,00.
“In Spring 2019, City Staff began a systematic assessment of its Public Liability Insurance requirements and the processes and procedures for verifying insurance submitted by the City’s various leasees, permit holders, contractors, and vendors,” wrote City Manager Denise Radde in her staff report to the council.
“City Staff were remiss in not also reviewing the requirements for vessels that utilize Avalon Harbor at that time,” Radde wrote.
“Due to an increase in liability claims made in Avalon Harbor, [the Public Agency Risk Sharing Authority of California] recommended the ordinance, last amended in 2011, increase the coverage limit of all vessels from $300,000 to $500,000 Watercraft Liability Insurance or Protection and Indemnity (P&l),” Radde wrote.
Also on the Dec. 3 agenda:
• The introduction of an ordinance adopting the California State Building Code. “Every three (3) years, the California Building Standards Commission adopts and amends the latest nationally-recognized model building code standards to create the California Building Standards Code,” wrote Planning Director Amanda Cook in her report to the council.
According to Cook’s report, cities may approve local amendments that are required by unique geography, climate or topography.
“The City last adopted local amendments during the previous code adoption cycle for the 2016 edition of the California Building Standards Code,” Cook wrote.
“Even if adopted in previous cycles, local amendments must be re-adopted each time the California Building Standards Commission adopts a new triennial edition of the California Building Standards Code,” Cook wrote.
• The council will hold a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the 2020 Community Development Block Grant Funds.
“The City’s total CDBG fund balance, which includes the 2020 allocation, is $89,128,” according to the staff report by Administrative Analyst Audra McDonald.
“City Staff initially sought to program the entire balance to continue construction of ADA Accessibility Improvements; however, new census data provided to the City by LACDA indicate the City’s poverty rate has increased substantially,” McDonald wrote. “This increase allows the City to utilize up to 20% of its CDBG funds for Public Service Projects.”
And on the Consent Calendar:
• The council will be asked to declare excess old equipment as surplus.
• Consider the Annual Growth Policy for 2020.
• Review the annual agreement between the City of Avalon and Hamilton Pacific LLC.
• Authorize the city manager to approve a contract with Moffat & Nichol to “Nichol to develop a comprehensive Sea Level Rise and Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Transportation Infrastructure,” according to Planning Director Amanda Cook’s staff report.
Avalon has a Caltrans grant of $306,756 to develop a sea rise plan. Moffat & Nichol’s proposal is for $271,020, according to Cook’s report.
• Adopt an ordinance establishing inspection regulations for rental properties. “The ordinance provides a regulatory framework for a nontransient rental inspection program enabling the City to proactively address substandard housing conditions and improve resident health by enhancing the quality of its housing stock,” wrote Assistant City Manager Michael Parmer.