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Up in smoke: New rules prompt re-examination of pot on...

New regulations proposed by the state’s relatively new Bureau of Cannabis Control have prompted a discussion of Catalina’s existing rules governing the delivery of...

Council to consider $40 million budget

The Avalon City Council is expected to consider a general fund budget approaching $40 million at its first meeting in August, having held a...

City Council votes to revive the hospital push

Following the rejection by voters of Measure T in April, the city of Avalon has appointed an ad-hoc committee of two members to work...

Council creates ad-hoc committees for collaboration

The Avalon city council on Tuesday created three ad-hoc committees to allow various members to provide city input on three critical issues, including a...

Catalina battling deer population explosion

There is a bit of a tug-of-war going on between the city of Avalon, the Santa Catalina Island Conservancy and the California agency that...

Work still underway on damaged sewer pipe

In his first major report since a broken sewer pipe spewed tons of sewage onto the island near the Pebbly Beach lift station, Public...

City invites hospital CEO to discuss new initiative

The Avalon city council has potentially breathed new life into an initiative to support the construction of a new hospital facility, agreeing to invite...

Sewer emergency tests Avalon community resolve

What began as a minor “sewage leak” Thursday blossomed into a major test of the cooperative ability of island stakeholders to avert an economic...

Avalon seeks Edison rate transparency

Led by City Council member Pam Albers, the city of Avalon voted Tuesday to table a letter to the California Public Utilities Commission supporting...

Catalina Rotarians get inside glimpse into North Korean regime

Introduction by Clifford Hague Editor’s note: Thank you to Clifford Hague for composing the introduction to Donald Gibbs, Ph.D and for his efforts to have...