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Avalon City Council Candidates for Four-Year Term

Joe Sampson Joe Sampson Please explain your position on bringing cannabis dispensaries to Avalon, either...

Avalon Council Candidates for Two-Year Term

Carl Johnson Carl Johnson Please explain your position on bringing cannabis dispensaries to Avalon, either...

Avalon Candidates for Mayor

Anni Marshall Anni Marshall Please explain your position on bringing cannabis dispensaries to Avalon, either...

Small housing units to return to council

The Avalon Planning Com--mission last week voted unanimously to recommend the approval of changing how the city code regulates so-called accessory dwelling...

Avalon City Council Candidates for Four-Year Term

Oley Olsen (Incumbent) Oley Olsen Background: Age 68. Married 41 Years. 2 Adult Children 6 Grandkids....

Avalon Council Candidates for Two-Year Term

Carl Johnson Carl Johnson Background: Occupation: Businessman/Entrepreneur. Blessed to be the fourth generation to call...

School board candidate visits Avalon

Candidate for the Long Beach Unified School District Doug Otto visited Avalon on Wednesday, meeting with a group of residents, visiting the...

Avalon city treasurer resigns

Avalon City Treasurer Christy Lins resigned effective Dec. 1. City Manager Denise Radde made what she described as the sad announcement of...

Council to look at liability coverage for moored vessels

Grant funds and building code also on Tuesday agenda The Avalon City Council is...

Letters to the Editor: published Friday, Nov. 22, 2019

Avalon Theatre It appears that the Casino Theatre is going the way of the SS Catalina, the Steamer Pier,...