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‘Don’t Worry It’s Just Science Fiction’

For some of us we can't help ourselves when our inner imagination starts wandering and once again we begin to daydream about the ocean....

On the Water: You LIVE Here?

We just returned from a family gathering for my youngest daughter Kaitlin’s 30th birthday. Yikes! How did that happen? We gathered in a small town...

Editor’s Notebook: Collaborative Catalina?

Though an island, could Catalina be at a sort of crossroads, a tipping point, if you will? Exceeding a million annual visitors, Catalina faces the...

Letters to the Editor: Friday, March 9

Transit tax about local healthcare Nine years ago I was asked to join the Catalina Island Medical Center Foundation Board of Directors. I readily accepted because...

Editor’s Notebook: Trash Talk on Catalina

It is clear that the beautiful waters that surround the incredible rock that is Catalina Island form the foundation of an incredibly natural ecosystem...

Letters to the Editor: Friday, March 2, 2018

Yes, Catalina needs a new hospital Does Catalina Island need a new medical center? For those of us who lived in Avalon in the late...

On the Water: Small World

  As I was getting back into the discipline of writing a weekly column (I know, it looks easy), I started reflecting on the time...

Letters to the Editor: Feb. 23, 2018

  A correction on ‘an island sunset’ Catalina Islander for Feb. 16. As we all know, our planet rotates east to west. The sun sets in...

Letters to the Editor: Friday, Feb. 16, 2018

  An open letter to Council Member Sampson Thank you, Council Member Joe Sampson. Finally a voice of reason. I agree that it is ridiculous to...

Editor’s notebook: Catalyst for Catalina

  More than the Isle of Romance, Catalina Island is happily for many an island paradise which is a quick escape away from the confines...