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Art is Callaghan-Skoff’s reason for being

Artist of the week: Kelly Callaghan-Skoff, Avalon resident What does art mean to you?

Junior Lifeguards

The city of Avalon picked up the Junior Lifeguard program this year as the County of Los Angeles dropped all of their...

Sheriff’s Log: July 8 to July 14, 2020

Editor’s note: The fol­low­ing is the Avalon Sheriff’s Sta­tion significant incidents report for the week of July 8 to...

Catalina Island Conservancy launches online naturalist training

The Catalina Island Con­servancy has brought its popular naturalist training online. This free training will help you become a...

Restrictions reimposed during Fourth of July weekend

Beaches, bars closed; fireworks displays prohibited The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is...

Mask mandate continues to be an issue on Catalina going into...

Avalon isn’t shutting down, but local officials will be doing what they can to encourage the public to wear face coverings.

Pride Parade in Avalon

Small group shows local support for Pride Month Organizers of a Pride parade soldiered on with their plans, despite...

Sheriff’s Log: June 24 to June 30

Editor’s note: The fol­low­ing is the Avalon Sheriff’s Sta­tion significant incidents report for the week of June 24 to June 30.

Profile of a Catalina Island artist

Catalina Island resident and artist Kymberlee Stanley was born and raised in Southern California and comes from a family of three generations...

Museum offers residents free admission to ‘Frida’ exhibition

The Catalina Island Museum’s “Frida Kahlo: Through the Lens of Nickolas Muray” exhibition is now open.