The Catalina Island Saddle Club recently announced the arrival of its newest member, Jesse James who was born on April 23 (just after midnight, of course).
Jesse’s mother, Anne Oakley, arrived on the barge during that rare thunder and lightning storm last October and she is owned by John and Jackie Warner. Unbeknownst to everyone, she was “with foal.” The gestation period for horses is 11 months and it was only a month or so ago that the Warners realized that Annie was not just getting fat on the good alfalfa but was eating for two. Jesse was a surprise to everyone, is loved by all and will have a wonderful home at the Catalina Island Saddle Club (CISC).
Jesse is the first horse born at the Middle Ranch equestrian center since the days of the Propst Ponies 33 years ago. Joanie Propst (wife of Doug Propst, 1st President of the Catalina Conservancy) says her last foal, Rose Adi, was born in 1986. Rose Adi was one of the last daughters of Adibiyez, the Wrigley’s stallion at El Rancho Escondido.
Joanie started Catalina Island Pony Club, a member club of the national organization, 40 years ago. Hundreds of children have gone through this program here on the island, learning not only how to safely ride and care for horses, but also learning stewardship, sportsmanship and leadership skills.
Our local Pony Club kids are thrilled to have a baby foal to watch grow up and learn all about the training that goes into getting a horse started. Horse Masters is an adult version, also part of the national organization, for adults interested in learning horsemanship skills and riding. If you are interested in getting your kids involved with Pony Club, or becoming a member of Horse Masters, leave a message at CISC 310-510-9622 for a call back. Follow Jesse James’ progress on the Catalina Island Saddle Club Facebook page.