Avalon pot policy expected March 6


Avalon city officials will get their first look at proposed marijuana ordinances in the city at the Council’s next meeting in March, City Manager Denise Radde revealed on Tuesday.

Questions from the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department about policies regarding the legal sale of marijuana in the city prompted her to reveal that the city is prepared to unveil its proposed ordinance at the next meeting. Capt. John Hocking asked city officials to clarify the status of marijuana sales in the city, saying it was his understanding that delivery services were already operating in the city even though Avalon has yet to declare a policy.

Recreational pot became legal in the state of California Jan. 1, 2018, provided local units of government establish policies consistent with state mandates.

Councilman Joe Sampson questioned Radde about the status who said the proposal was “almost” ready and would be discussed at their next meeting.

Similar questions were asked, this time by Mayor Anni Marshall, about proposed ordinances that regulate the use of bicycles in the city. “What if hotels go out and buy lots of them and we haven’t acted, can we still regulate them,” she asked?

Again, Radde said staff should have the proposal ready for Council discussion by the Council’s next regular meeting Mar. 6.

Finance Director Robert Meschen presented a “mid-year budget review” to the Council, saying the city was “pretty much on course with the adopted budget.”

Other that requesting approximately $100k in various amendments for previously approved actions, Meschen said there were no alarming variances in the report. Even so, several Council members asked for additional time to study the numbers before authorizing the amendments. The Council will review the requested information and agreed to wait to vote on the amendments at the next regular meeting.

Citizens attending the meeting asked that more detailed financial information be posted regularly to the website so that the public can keep up and perhaps “spot trends.”

In other action Tuesday, the Council:

• Listened to updates from Southern California Edison on updates to grant applications seeking nearly $25 million from the Department of Water Resources’ Integrated Regional Water Management program.

• Asked the city manager to review other companies before moving on a request to hire a new grant consulting firm at $5,000 per month.

• Requested the Finance Director to prepare a report on the city’s overall pension obligations and liabilities, even though Avalon’s indebtedness was classified as “better than most.”

• Heard Council member Cinde Cassidy report that Avalon sent a delegation of eight to Long Beach to attend the dedication of the new Carnival Cruise Line wharf. Cruise ships now bring hundreds of thousands of visitors to Catalina every year.