After more than a year of Zoom meetings, the Avalon Lions Club held their first meeting as a vaccinated Lion Family. Avalon Lions are thankful for the excellent vaccination program of the Catalina Island Medical Center. Lion Jason Paret and the entire staff of our Island Medical Center are to be congratulated for their outstanding service to our community.
Avalon Lions have continued to be been busy this past year serving our community. The prescription medication program at Leos Drug store has been and continues to be a life saver for those Islanders who cannot afford their medications. Avalon Lions have been getting a great workout helping unload the food truck at the Community Church each week. Several Avalon Residents have been provided with a lifeline phone system so they can summon help in the event they have a medical emergency in their home. Avalon Community residents who need emergency transportation to the mainland, glasses or other medical services and cannot afford them may contact the Catalina Island Medical Center for Lion sponsored assistance.
Many thanks to Tim Foley, US Avalon Bank branch manager, for providing lobby space for the Avalon Lions Club eyeglasses, hearing aid and cell phone collection box. The items placed in this collection box are all recycled and provided free of charge to people worldwide who need them. As an example, the eye glass lenses are checked for the strength, lodged into a national data base and then matched with a person in need of that particular prescription. Thanks as well to the Island Community for supporting this outstanding program.
The next Avalon Lions Club project is the cleanup and renovation of the Haypress Area. The new playground equipment, picnic tables and landscaping will shortly be ready for another year of Island fun. Thanks to the Islanders who use Haypress for taking care and cleaning up the facility as they use it.
Should any Islander wish to become a part of the world’s largest community service organization you are welcomed to join the Avalon Lions Club. Contact Secretary Jamie Hmielak at 310-703-3609 or President Dave Thompson at 310-702-7153 for more information