The Los Angeles Registrar-Recorder’s office updated the 2022 election results on Tuesday, June 21. The numbers changed, but the results did not. Mary Schickling and Michael Ponce appeared to be the top two council candidates, with two seats up for election. The mayor remains the mayor. Two proposed tax increases appear to have been rejected.
)Keep in mind that the county updates the results at least once a week. Check for the newest numbers. )
Mary Schickling remains the council candidate with the most votes: 364. (On June 14, the number was 264.)
Michael Ponce remained in second place with 334 votes, a mere two-vote lead over Oley Olsen. (Last week, Ponce had a seven vote lead.)
Olsen had 332 votes.
Carl Johnson, as of June 21, had 196 votes.
Then there are the two ballot measures, both tax increases, that both appear to have been defeated.
Measure “S,” the one one-quarter-of-a-penny sales tax increase, as of June 21 received 444 “No” votes versus 229 “Yes” votes.
Measure “TT,” the 1% transient occupancy (short term rental) tax, as of June 21 received 359 “No” votes versus 312 “Yes” votes. The 47-vote lead for “No” is an increase from the June 14 election update, when the county reported the “No” vote had a seven-vote lead.
Finally, in the mayoral race, as of June 21, incumbent Anni Marshall had 427 votes (an increase from the June 14 report of 326) and challenger Cinde MacGugan-Cassidy had 245 votes.
(That was an increase from the June 14 report of 183 votes for Cassidy.)