Tiger belongs to Marian Rubio, who rescued him a year and a half ago from a local home that could no longer take care of him.
Tiger is 3 years old and is half Yorkshire and half cairn terrier. Tiger quickly became Marian’s best friend and has learned many commands (such as “sit,” “stay,” “go get it” and “come here”) very quickly.
Tiger’s favorite thing to do is run around outside and play with his toys.
Tiger belongs to Marian Rubio, who rescued him a year and a half ago from a local home that could no longer take care of him.
Tiger is 3 years old and is half Yorkshire and half cairn terrier. Tiger quickly became Marian’s best friend and has learned many commands (such as “sit,” “stay,” “go get it” and “come here”) very quickly.
Tiger’s favorite thing to do is run around outside and play with his toys.