Curtin Maritime will provide the barge services for the 2023 Avalon Fourth of July fireworks show. The maximum cost: $30,000.
Garden State Fireworks, Inc., will provide the fireworks show. The cost: $40,000. The non-profit Love Catalina Tourism Authority will reimburse the city.
The City Council on Tuesday, April 4, unanimously agreed to authorize the city manager to execute the agreement with Curtin Maritime.
This was a Consent Calendar item. The council doesn’t discuss consent items unless they are pulled for separate consideration.
“City Staff followed the procurement policy as outlined in the Avalon Municipal Code and solicited proposals from qualified vendors using the informal bid process. At the time this report was authored, only Curtin Maritime responded with a proposal,” according to the staff report by Community Service Manager David Hart.
“Consistent with their 2022 proposal, Curtin Maritime’s proposal is for $30,000 with a pledge to remit any potential profit back to the community as donations to non-profit organizations that support youth programs on the Island,” Hart wrote.
Although the agreement is “not to exceed $30,000,” according to the Hart report, “The City has budgeted $59,000 for the Fourth of July activities. Other budget expenditures include contracting fireworks and the USC Marching Band.”
Fireworks show
The council also authorized the city manager to execute an agreement with Garden State Fireworks, Inc., to provide the Fourth of July fireworks show.
This was also a Consent Calendar item. According to Hart’s report, staff solicited informal bids. “At the time this report was authored, only Garden State Fireworks Inc. (Garden State) responded with a proposal to provide a show for $40,000. Garden State is a licensed firework vendor and in good standing with the State,” Hart wrote.
“Garden State proposal includes detonation of 2,310 shells ranging from 1”-6”, plus 6,500 assorted effects, equaling 8,810 items shot in the air during an 18 minute show,” Hart wrote.
“Garden State Firework, Inc. is one of the oldest fireworks companies in the United States with approximately 141 years in operation and were responsible for Avalon’s 2022 firework show,” Hart wrote.
“As per a longstanding agreement, Love Catalina traditionally pays for the firework show and has agreed to fund the show that the City Council chooses,” Hart wrote.