KISL’s Meet the Voice: Jordon Monroe

Where the Catalina Islander and KISL introduce you to the voices behind KISL’s live radio programming. This week:  The voice behind the voices. Jordan Monroe is the KISL community outreach director.

KISL:  How did you get involved in local radio?

Jordan:  Radio has always been my favorite medium.  And it’s also because of the TV show “Northern Exposure.”

KISL:  “Northern Exposure?”

Where the Catalina Islander and KISL introduce you to the voices behind KISL’s live radio programming. This week:  The voice behind the voices. Jordan Monroe is the KISL community outreach director.

KISL:  How did you get involved in local radio?

Jordan:  Radio has always been my favorite medium.  And it’s also because of the TV show “Northern Exposure.”

KISL:  “Northern Exposure?”

Jordan:  Ha, yeah.  It takes place in a small town like Avalon and has a local radio station.  In one of the episodes, the DJ asks his friend for help over the air, and I thought, “How cool is that to be able to reach a whole community?”  Then I realized that we have that capability with KISL.  

KISL:  What is your role at the station?

Jordan:  KISL is 100 percent volunteer-run and operated.  Basically I try to help bridge this resource to the individuals and community organizations in our town so they can share their mission, their efforts or even just their favorite music.

KISL:  What is coming up next for the station?

Jordan:  We are always continuing to grow our live programming and local involvement, but we also have two big projects that we’re working on.  The first is our Show & Telethon fundraiser, where we hope to raise money for our station as well as raise awareness about local organizations.  The Show & Telethon will air December 3rd from 7-9 p.m. on local Channel 3.  The other project is a Radio Retreat where we will bring aspiring radio journalists and storytellers to the Island so they can gain hands on experience.

KISL:  What does it take to get involved with KISL?

Jordan:  If you have something to share with the community you can be involved. Listeners can even send us an “audio postcard,” just a message saying hi to their family and friends by calling HAHA-BOATER.  KISL is open to everyone.

KISL:  Does being involved mean committing to a weekly DJ show?

Jordan:  Not at all.  We love our local DJs, but organizations such as the city’s Recreation Department cannot commit to that amount of time.  Instead they drop us a line in 30-second updates of their upcoming activities, programs, sign ups, etc. via smart phone.  This format is very easy to use, and KISL will walk you through the three simple steps you need to start sharing.

KISL:  What is on your iPod playlist right now?

Jordan:  I have a few select albums, but most of my listening time is taken up by podcasts.  I love the storytelling format radio provides; from programs like Radiolab to This American Life to Wiretap and the Dinner Party Download.  I’m captivated by the era when radio was the home theater system.  Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds from 1938 still draws me in every time I listen to it.  This is one of the reasons why I get so excited about local radio.  We have the opportunity to capture local voices, and the sharing of these stories can be so special and powerful.  Everyone has a story, and the easy thing about radio is that all you have to do is talk.

If you or your organization would like to be a part of the Show & Telethon where you can show and tell the community about all the wonderful things you do contact Jordan Monroe the Community Outreach Director: