Home Business With loss of 345 restaurant seats, Catalina trying to cope

With loss of 345 restaurant seats, Catalina trying to cope

With the loss of nearly 350 restaurant seats due to rash of restaurant closures, food and dining venues on the island are attempting to cope by adding tables, increasing the hours of operation and speeding up service. Courtesy photo

With spring break underway and the summer fast approaching, the Catalina Island Chamber of Commerce and Visitor’s Bureau is trying to mitigate the lack of fewer restaurant seats for upcoming promotions.

According to the Chamber’s newsletter, Catalina Island is going into the visitor season with 356 fewer restaurant seats on the island “due to some recent restaurant closures.”

That means visitors may have to scramble to find a place to eat as they visit the island. According to the Chamber, a follow up survey of food and beverage members indicate that more of them are making adjustments to “accommodate more patrons.”

“The majority of them are planning to increase hours of operations this summer,” claims the newsletter, and “more than a quarter of them are interested in adding additional tables and chairs and/or making menu alternations to speed up service,” the survey indicated.

Several officials have recently expressed concern about visitors to Catalina Island not being able to dine while on the island due to the closure of several restaurants.

Moreover, the Chamber is also preparing for this year’s “Taste of Avalon” slated for May 31 with Restaurant Week directly to follow.

“We would like to see (Restaurant Week) evolve into more of a food and wine week with chefs providing demonstrations, wine maker dinners and more,” the newsletter said.

Registration to participate in this year’s Taste of Avalon and Restaurant Week events will open next week.

Interested participants should contact Amelia Lincoln@alincoln@catalinachamber.com or call her at 310-510-7635 with any questions.