Home Events Ötillö Swimrun takes on Catalina

Ötillö Swimrun takes on Catalina

Photo by Pierre Mangez/ÖTILLÖ Catalina

Event alternates trail running and open water swimming

Team Envol was the top finisher in the Ötillö Swimrun Catalina over the weekend with a time of 4 hours, 38 minutes and 41 seconds. The team was comprised of Nicolas Remires and Francesc De Lanuza Gimeno.

They were followed by ARKswimrun, with a time of 4:43.25. Team members were Fredrik Axegard and Oscar Olsson. Team, Temple of Mount Diablo, with Gregory Harper and Prashanth Chandrashekar Ganesh, took third with a time of 4:53.12.

The top female team was WILD Envol, which finished seventh overall, with a time of Fanny Kuhn and Desiree Anderson. Their time was 5:05.34.

Swimrun, now in its 15th year, is an endurance sport growing all over the world where you alternate trail running and open water swimming along a marked course. The long race is 39 kilometers (24.2 miles) with 7 swim sections totaling 7,700 meters (4.78 miles). There was also a sprint course, totaling 14.9 kilometers and an experience course, totaling 7.9 kilometers.

Many of the competitors were international visitors and the team names were a display of the fun nature of the event. Names ranged from “You Gotta Be Kidding Me?” to “Friends Without Benefits” (a mixed team) and “40-Year-Old Virgins.”