Lighting up Catalina this holiday season

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Avalon Beautiful donated nearly $5,000 to this year’s holiday lighting.

Additional lights will be placed along trees and structures from the Cabrillo Mole to Casino Arch along Avalon’s waterfront.

Businesses are encouraged to join in with festive storefront décor and lighting with the goal having our halls, doors and windows fully decked out for Shop Catalina on Dec 5.

Residents are encouraged to participate in a contest for best home holiday decorations too.

Judges will be out and about early on the evening of Dec. 5 looking for the top three homes and top three businesses in Holiday decorations for 2020.

Catalina Island Gift Certificates will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in both home and business categories.

With limits on indoor shopping on the mainland, this year may offer a great opportunity for visitors to make Catalina a holiday shopping and celebration destination.

“Let’s really roll out the lights, wreaths and garland this year,” said Catrina Awalt, of Two’s Company in Avalon. Awalt is also a member of Avalon Beautiful’s board of directors.

Avalon Beautiful is a nonprofit that has partnered with area businesses, the city of Avalon and Love Catalina Island/ Catalina Island Tourism Authority, to provide not only Holiday lighting, but also support for Care

For Catalina Community Clean-ups and planting projects.

If you are interested in helping support this year’s lighting and decorating, join in by decorating your home and place of work and look for donation cans on counters of stores around town where you can drop some spare change. If you are feeling really generous, send a tax deductible donation to Avalon Beautiful at P.O. Box 1272, Avalon, CA 90704.