Home Opinion Letters to the Editor: Friday, June 22, 2018

Letters to the Editor: Friday, June 22, 2018

Think about our Island ecology

As summer season begins, we need to think about our island ecology, our limited landfill space, and our marine life. Mylar balloons fly over storefronts signaling high school graduation. Inflated plastic sharks hang outside VONS like signage. Plastic, Chinese-made American flags decorate golf carts, homes, and buildings. ‘Tis the season for 4th of July additions to our ever-expanding, soon-to-be-overflowing, and, ultimately-closed landfill.

Since our city theme this year is “Avalon the beautiful. Living the Beach Life,” we could perhaps momentarily reflect on marine ecology. Plastics fill our oceans, our fisheries and beaches, and affect the well-being of fish and marine mammals. Mylar literally never decomposes. Fortunately, some hope lies in the decisions being made in the UK, France, and other European countries who are passing legislation to resist the plastics industry.

Our Northwestern neighbor states are intently recycling now that China will no longer accept our refuse. Cities from London to San Francisco, to tiny Malibu, are outlawing disposable plastics, starting with straws. Avalon wisely banned styrofoam this year. That progress and foresight is praiseworthy, but not in itself a solution. We shouldn’t wait until legislators mandate change. It needs to start with a conscientious effort by us, as Islanders, to diminish use of plastic in our everyday lives. Our City Council can also continue to take steps to make Avalon a more enlightened, eco-friendly community by banning mylar and working with Avalon Waste Services to initiate a green-waste program. So here’s wishing you a very low plastic 4th of July. Let’s band together to ban those plastic straws in our mojitos! Paper straws served generations of us just fine.

Jani Hall


Thank you to Avalon Men’s Golf Club

It’s time to say thank you to the Avalon Men’s Golf Club for continuing 50 years of Jr. PGA Golf of youth tournament play. Marty Saldana, sponsor, not only invited Island youth to play golf on April 14th, he traveled “over town” to 18 golf courses to invite more attendees.

It was a great day; the weather was Avalon’s best, no wind and sunny. Volunteer greeters helped to register and prepare lunch cheerfully. A good crowd gathered to cheer the young golfers on.

Today my grandson, Jonathon Gough, can think of the four years that he played golf in Avalon.Besides learning the game of golf well, he has made many new friends and tremendous memories. Traditions are important as we, too, think back on youthful days that were fun and community-oriented and we also remember the adults who volunteered to create the adventures that will help to be the models for future traditions.

Hannah K Gough

“A thankful grandparent”