Letters to Editor: Grateful for Hahn’s attendance at Conservancy Forum

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I would like to thank Supervisor Janice Hahn for taking time out of her busy schedule to attend the Catalina Island Conservancy’s Forum. She spoke eloquently, she spoke Truth to Power and asked the Conservancy to put their plans to kill the deer on hold. Supervisor Hahn spoke with a level of authenticity and truthfulness that we have not yet seen from the Conservancy representatives. 

Most importantly, she asked for humane alternatives. It was not the Catalina Island Conservancy that won the evening, it was Janice Hahn.  Thank you Supervisor Janice Hahn for your support!

The Catalina Island Conservancy has yet to prove they are willing to listen to 81,431 voices who have signed petitions and consider other alternatives.

Debbie Wright


Following are a few questions pre-submitted to the Catalina Island Conservancy Community Forum by members of the Coalition to Save Catalina Deer.

These questions are for Tim Dillingham: 

• When will CDFW make a decision on the permit?

• What are the consequences to the Catalina Island Conservancy for slaughtering the deer without a permit? 

• This seems like a fairly extreme application of the scientific collecting permit. How is it appropriate under the laws governing SCP?

• Is CDFW really going to allow the Catalina Island Conservancy to leave the carcasses to rot? Won’t that violate the law prohibiting wanton waste?  

• Mule deer in 32 states are impacted by chronic wasting disease and the problem is growing.  Why would we kill one of the few deer populations in the nation that is safeguarded from chronic wasting disease? 

• Four of CDFW’s own scientists concluded in a memo written in 2007 after the fire on Catalina Island and I quote “The “emergency ” described by the Catalina Island Conservancy is not related to deer. The Conservancy have no fire management, or erosion controls plan in place.” Are you not willing to stand up and support your own scientist’s conclusions? 

• It is my understanding that a SCP can only be granted for scientific, propagation, or educational purposes. Which of these is the Conservancy’s application based on? 

• In 2019, former CEO of the Catalina Island Conservancy spoke before the Avalon City Council and said that the consensus was “500 deer could easily co-exist with the endemics”.  Why are you now saying zero? 

• The Catalina Island Conservancy was quoted in a NEW YORK TIMES article as having 2,000 deer on the island, in the CDFW permit application you list the deer number as “amount unknown”.  Which is it and where is the proof?

• How many tags did you sell this hunting season?

• How many deer have been taken this season?  

• The Catalina Island Conservancy have said that there are extremely rare plants on the Island that are threatened by over browsing by deer. To what extent are the other factors in play such as (Drought, climate change, hybridization, centuries of cattle ranching, other non-native invasive plants, harm from goats, pigs, sheep, bison, daily tours, hikers, campers) Why is the Catalina Island Conservancy putting all the blame on the deer?

• How are you complying with The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)? Has the Catalina Island Conservancy secured the California Coastal Commission’s approval? 

• The National Park Service US Department of Interior report, “Invasive Plant Monitoring in Mediterranean Coast Network – Santa Monica Mountain National Recreation Area” pilot study conducted 2013-2014 does not ONCE mention deer as the cause for an increase in invasive plants. There are more deer living in and around this parkland, including neighborhoods. Yet they’ve never proposed a solution like this. Is the National Park Service not to be believed? 

• White Buffalo Anthony DiNiola contributed to the Catalina Island Conservancy application. Why is he not here?

• Are the exclosures seeded, planted, or watered?

• How are you going to water the island in extreme drought so all your plants don’t die?

• Bison eat about 24 pounds of vegetation per day. Deer eat about 3-8 pounds per day. Are the bison going to be removed?

• Isn’t Aerial Slaughter of the kind being proposed here prohibited by California Law (14 CCR §251)?

• How many eradications of ungulates (all hooved animals) by aerial slaughter have occurred on islands with a population the same or greater than that on Catalina Island? 

• If there is a drop in tourists (which many visitors have indicated they will not visit and never return) is the Catalina Island Conservancy going to pay business owners for loss of revenue?

• How will the Catalina Island Conservancy make sure that people won’t be killed?  Or endangered foxes and eagles killed?

• Won’t the dead rotting deer carcasses increase the rat population? 

• Will the State have any liability if someone gets hurt or killed ?

• Does the Catalina Island Conservancy worry about ricocheting bullets off rocks (not all bullets will hit the deer) in the height of fire season sparking a fire? What if a fire starts? 

• The Catalina Island Conservancy requested the County of Los Angeles lessen the Conservancy’s  monetary obligation on fire control on Catalina Island and the Conservancy asked for additional tax breaks from State and County.  The Conservancy is spending $10 M to kill the deer and paying millions for a  PR firm with expertise in crisis management.  Why is the Conservancy asking for tax breaks and to not contribute money to LA County fire protection fund? 

• Won’t other animals like island fox, horses, cats, dogs, catalina quail, small birds, be stressed and possibly injured or killed and their habitats disrupted? 

• Won’t everyday island operations be affected, like mail, goods delivery from the airport?  

• Many citizens live in the interior and two harbors and commute to their jobs at dawn and dusk.  What specific plans are in place to keep these citizens and their animals safe?

• How do you plan to slaughter the deer within Avalon City limits considering the new amendments added to city ordinance by Avalon City Council?

• Catalina Conservancy is subject to an open space easement held by Los Angeles County? Have you been in communication with LA County about the plan?

• Isn’t being a panelist on this forum a conflict of interest?

• You’ve had 50 years to contain invasive grasses.  Every time you’ve slaughtered pigs, goats and sheep you’ve promised it would get better.  It’s gotten worse.  Can you say 100% our island will not continue to be at risk of in your words “a massive fire” if you slaughter all the deer.

• The Coalition to Save the Deer and stop the slaughter has close to 97,000 petitioners. In addition we have partnered with Safari Club International, In defense of Animals, Howl for Wildlife, California Rifle and Pistol Association, The Humane Society of the United States, and many other organizations who also decry your inhumane plan to slaughter all the deer. Is there room to mediate? How do you perceive this stalemate ending?

• There are two mountain mahoganies in the interior of the island that are not protected from deer browse. They are thriving. How do you explain that?”

Please Note: The Conservancy did not answer one of these questions at the Forum. 

Debbie Wright
