The Pacific Torpedo Ray is one of the most beautiful you can encounter in our waters. The common visitor has been seen by swimmers and divers at the underwater park this past month. One swimmer, Claudia, thought she saw a new memorial slab one day, until it began to move. The beautiful ray was seen again this past weekend, right in front of Descanso Beach by this writer! This local ray is scientific name is: tetronarce californica.
These rays can be found from British Columbia to Baja California in the Pacific Ocean. They can often be seen at Farnsworth Banks, on the back side of the island, gliding between underwater mounts. In fact, this past weekend, tech divers aboard the Scrambler dive boat, viewed at least 7 rays on their dive there. Their rounded bodies, tiny eyes, and bluish gray back with black spots and white body underneath are fascinating to see when they are not using bottom topography, hunting for their prey. They have a short, stocky tail and a large caudal fin to move about. The “torpedo ray” can travel up to 45 mph which is its normal cruising speed. Recent viewings have allowed swimmers to swim at zero mph with the ray, of course keeping good distance from it. Why?
The “electric ray” can produce up to 45-80 volts of electric shock, should one touch. Hence: don’t touch! The torpedo ray generates two types of electrical pulse. One that gives a warning pulse when pursued and the other pulse is a powerful blast to stun their prey. Their prey includes herrings, kelp bass, anchovies, and halibut. Their cousins include sting rays, eagle rays, and manta rays.
Electric rays give birth to pups after eggs hatch in the female’s uterus. After the 8-10 month gestation period, the female’s uterine lining secretes liquid food for the embryos. The ray’s lifespan is said to be 16-24 years.
The pacific electric ray is a beauty!
Sea you at the stairs …
Tina Kennedy has resided in Avalon for more than 40 years, and manages Catalina Divers Supply. She loves swimming, diving, snorkeling, and paddling in the island’s waters. Contact her at info@catalinadiverssupply.com.