Home News Flowering in the drought

Flowering in the drought

Grace and Lee Amari, who own a cute cottage at 307 Catalina Ave., have made a darling planter without using a drop of water. Kudos to their creativity.

The Catalina Islander would like to hear any handy hints you might have, not the obvious, but the odd tidbit about saving water. Have you found a way to keep any plants alive?

Send all information, questions and comments to editor@thecatalinaislander.com.

Grace and Lee Amari, who own a cute cottage at 307 Catalina Ave., have made a darling planter without using a drop of water. Kudos to their creativity.

The Catalina Islander would like to hear any handy hints you might have, not the obvious, but the odd tidbit about saving water. Have you found a way to keep any plants alive?

Send all information, questions and comments to editor@thecatalinaislander.com.