Digital Mammography is coming to Avalon’s Catalina Island Medical Center on Friday Jan. 31, Saturday, Feb. 1 and Sunday Feb. 2 from 9 am to 4 pm.
This latest advancement in technology uses a digital receptor and a computer to scan breast tissue. This results in shorter examination times and significantly improved comfort and convenience for the patient.
Digital Mammography is coming to Avalon’s Catalina Island Medical Center on Friday Jan. 31, Saturday, Feb. 1 and Sunday Feb. 2 from 9 am to 4 pm.
This latest advancement in technology uses a digital receptor and a computer to scan breast tissue. This results in shorter examination times and significantly improved comfort and convenience for the patient.
Images acquired digitally are displayed immediately on the system monitor rather than an x-ray cassette. Mammograms are probably the most important tool doctors have to screen for breast cancer. Linda Altherr and Cristina Grain in CIMC’S social services office are available to make appointments or answer questions.
Please call (310) 510-0520.Women can use private insurance, Medicare, or Medi-Cal. The Breast Cancer Detection Program is available for low-income women over age 40. Women who privately pay will be charged $150 for the mammogram procedure, which also includes a comprehensive breast exam.
A breast exam is required unless a patient comes with a prescription written by her doctor within the past 30 days.
Special thanks to the Catalina Women’s Golf Club for their generous donation to help make this service possible. They have also donated transportation funding to help women access any required follow up appointments on the mainland. CIMC would also like to thank Catalina Freight Lines for their donation of transportation for the mammogram van.
According to the American Cancer Society “one out of every eight women” will be diagnosed with breast cancer during her lifetime.
Mammogram screening is recommended annually for all women 40 years of age and older. Early detection of breast cancer can save a woman’s life. reminds women that an unusual result requiring further testing does not always mean that a woman has breast cancer.
Do not be afraid. Mammography is the most powerful breast cancer detection method. The discomfort is minimal and the procedure is safe.
Women may call Catalina Island Medical Center at (310) 510-0520 to schedule a mammogram January 31 – February 2.