The City Council approved two encroachment permits on adjacent Beacon Street properties this week. The council approved them in separate votes, but the information was basically the same for both. The votes were unanimous for both permits.
The properties are on 209 and 215 Beacon.
“The scope of work includes alterations to accessory/landscaping structures currently located within the City right of way, which will also require approval of an Encroachment from City Council,” according to the staff report by Assistant Planner Susanna Gutierrez.
Councilmember Cinde MacGugan-Cassidy said they were basically adding two autoette parking spaces.
Public Works Director Bob Greenlaw confirmed that description.
“The improvements are financed by the applicants?” she asked.
Greenlaw said yes.
Greenlaw also said the sites were posted as public parking.
Cassidy said she wanted to be sure there wasn’t going to be a parking war. She made it clear she approved the projects.
In other news:
• The council and everyone in the Chamber applauded Denise Radde for being named as one of the 2022 Women of Distinction in the 70th Assembly District.
• Finance Director Matt Baker told the council he anticipated the budget would be discussed at the first meeting in June. However, Cassidy pointed out that was election night.
• As part of the Consent Calendar, the council approved a resolution allowing Avalon to continue having virtual meetings. Later, Mayor Anni Marshall asked if the council could go back to regular meetings. City Attorney Campbell said yes. But if there were a resurgence of COVID, the council could not go back to the virtual meetings. According to Campbell, the current format allowed the meeting participants to join the meeting from a remote location without posting a notice at that location.
Campbell said the legislature was working on a way to allow virtual meetings to be held permanently.