Unless you’ve swayed in a boat and let your hair blow in the ocean breeze, perhaps you have not really “rocked” and “rolled.”
Once again, the Cherry Cove Cockpit Concert lived up to be one of the most anticipated events of the Labor Day weekend and maybe of the summer!
This year upwards of 250 dinghies and many of the surrounding moored boats were filled with music lovers from yacht clubs all over southern California, creating the largest raft up on record at the island. There were even boats coming all the way from Avalon to join in on the fun in Cherry Cove.
The crowd enjoyed hearing singer and entertainer Dave Barrette perform many of their favorite “Old Time Rock and Roll” songs as well as Dave’s own song “Catalina Moonlit Night”. It wasn’t long before folks were standing, clapping and singing and even dancing in their dinghies.
This year Dave was joined by some of his favorite top notch musicians. Fred Grabert on lead guitar and vocals, Richard Paine on drums and vocals and Dave Hallgrimson on bass and vocals. A special tradition has been Dave’s Patriotic Medley that he dedicates to honoring the men and women who are serving or have served our great country, whether they be military, police, fire, first responders, lifeguards. Dave thanked the generous co-sponsorship from Cherry Cove Yacht Club members that greatly helped him with the production costs. Stay tuned for next year’s 7th Annual Cockpit Concert and see what Dave Barrette has planned and get ready again to “rock” and “roll” like only Cherry Cove in Two Harbors can offer.