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Scuba Diving: Sea life mistake trash for prey

Debris like this pictured here is an all to common scene for any of us who spend time out on the water. Balloons are...

Scuba Diving: Sea Anenone

The Metridium farcimen pictured is a type of Sea Anenone that lives within the Eastern Pacific Ocean from Alaska all the way down to...

Scuba Diving: Friday, Jan. 26, 2018

Treefish like this one pictured above can be found from San Francisco, California all the way down to the central part of Baja, Mexico...

Scuba Diving: Man-O-War

So here I am in the beautiful Florida Keys? How on earth did I get here 2,800 miles from home ? Did I swim?...

Harbor Activity Report for December 2017

Avalon saw 11 days of wind advisories in December: nine days of small craft advisories and two days of gale advisories.  Of the 11...