Courtesy of Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office
Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón announced on Thursday, Nov. 2, that Jack Arthur Tucey and Yueh Mei Tucey, aka Nora Tucey, had been charged with allegedly defrauding their employees of more than $500,000 in overtime wages, and allegedly filing false and fraudulent statements with the Employment Development Department beginning in 2008.
As a matter of law, the accused couple are innocent until proven guilty. The LA Court website did not provide a date and lists the case as pending.
“The case filed against the defendants underscores the urgent need to protect workers’ rights,” District Attorney Gascón said. “By allegedly underreporting wages and violating overtime pay laws, the defendants not only broke the law but also contributed to the cycle of economic hardship for hardworking individuals. We are determined to combat wage theft and ensure that every worker receives the compensation they deserve. Fair wages are a crucial pillar in the fight against poverty, fostering a more just and equitable society for all.”
“The illegal activity involved in the underground economy hurts compliant businesses and California workers alike,” said EDD Director Nancy Farias. “EDD is committed to leveling the playing field for businesses and protecting workers. As such, our investigators work alongside other law enforcement partners to bring offenders to justice.”
Jack Arthur Tucey (dob Dec. 10, 1942) and Yueh Mei Tucey, aka Nora Tucey, (dob Jan. 25, 1948) are charged in case BA518809 with one felony count of grand theft wages from one employee exceeding $950; one felony count of grand theft wages from 2 or more employees exceeding $2,350; one felony count of conspiracy to commit a crime; seven felony counts of grand theft; and 15 felony counts of filing false and fraudulent returns.
The DA’s Office further alleges that the victims were particularly vulnerable; and the offenses are related felonies, a material element of which is fraud and embezzlement, which involved a pattern of related felony conduct, and the pattern of related felony conduct involving the taking of, and resulted in the loss of more than $500,000.
According to the LADA’s Office, beginning in 2008, the defendants, who are married and own multiple businesses on Catalina Island, allegedly filed false and fraudulent statements with the Employment Development Department by underreporting the true wages that they paid their workers. The defendants allegedly had the same employees work at multiple businesses in the same day resulting in up to 18-hour workdays. The defendants allegedly only paid the employees minimum wage for all hours worked, in violation of the overtime pay laws.
According to the LADA’s Office, The defendants are expected to be held on $590,000 bail each.
The LA Court website provided no information about bai.
If convicted as charged, the defendants will face a maximum of 22 years in prison.
According to the DA’s Office, it is believed there are others who have been allegedly victimized by the Tuceys. Anyone with information should call the Department of Industrial Relations Hotline at 818-901-5305.
The case was investigated by Department of Industrial Relations Investigator Eduardo Martinez of the Labor Commissioner’s Office with assistance from Investigative Units of the California Employment Development Department, the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, and the Franchise Tax Board.
Logistical assistance was provided by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Bureau of Investigation, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Human Trafficking Taskforce and the California Department of Insurance.
Victim and employee support are being provided by the Los Angeles County Office of Immigrant Affairs and The Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance.