Anni Marshall (Incumbent)
Background: I, Anni Marshall, have been your Mayor for 6 years and appreciate your vote for two more. I’ve lived in Avalon for 35 years. The first 17 years I was Avalon’s Community Services Director initiating many enduring activities: 4th of July Parade, Senior meals/home services, day care center, KISL local radio station etc. I’ve been a Chamber of Commerce member for 32 years with Weddings by the Sea. My husband, Billy Delbert, and I raised our 2 children. Six years ago, I established a successful nonprofit year- round pre-school. Currently, I’ve been ardent creating a community garden, drug counseling services, participating in juvenile diversion activities, developing an interactive relationship with Long Beach City College, escorting our first group of students now attending LBCC, installing a senior housing chair lift, creating a residential inspection program, maintained reasonable city lease and mooring rates and I have not given up on a dog park.
Development Impact Fees will soon begin, creating revenue for infrastructure projects. The Council supported the 2nd desalination plant and continually works on vehicle/housing solutions with community input.
I believe we can create viable solutions for all, through communication and compromise, balancing the needs of residents, business, visitors and budget.
What is your stance on cruise ships and creating beneficial visitor counts?
Avalon is a tourist destination with an assumed need to support a year-round economy capable of employing the working class and paying the high rents of both residents and commercial businesses and City of Avalon operations.
Cruise ships are an affordable option for many wishing to experience Catalina. Not all can afford roundtrip boat fares, parking and accommodations. Sharing Catalina with all individuals was Mr. Wrigley’s vision.
I believe an additional cruise ship will not over-extend Avalon’s capacity to provide services. I support an additional cruise ship mid- week, establish a threshold for the number of visitors per ship, removing the incentive for a 2nd ship and increasing the wharfage fee from the $5 which will tap out in 2021. I welcome much smaller vessels, i.e., Nat Geo on a space available basis.
Infrastructure financing, if not assisted by the visitor, could result in increased local taxes, an option I would not want to consider. Whether visitors do or don’t come to the island our infrastructure improvements are still necessary.
I feel vehicle and pedestrian congestion during busy days is the issue the Council should address.
If the community can come up with additional or alternative solutions to generate income for businesses, the working class and the City, I welcome your suggestions.
Once again, it is a question of balance.
For the complete analysis, including community input regarding Cruise ships, please to go website and review the Jan. 21/2020, Agenda Item #10.
Steven Hoefs (Current Councilmember)
Background: Avalon has been my home for 52 years. I was raised here and have raised my three children here. My career spanned 25 years working for the City of Avalon. I started as a firefighter/engineer, served ten years Fire Chief, and four years as City Manager before I retired.
I currently own and operate multiple businesses in town. My experience has equipped me with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle every obstacle and opportunity facing us today. I have spent my life working with a variety of people and organizations for the betterment of our community and I know how to bring people together and get things done.
We all want the same things, to honor our history, while creating a better Avalon. I believe it is all possible, and together we can become a model community.
I have the common sense to see what is needed, the vision to see what is possible, and the skills to facilitate changes that will improve life in Avalon. I am committed to serving you, bringing creative solutions and sound decision making that will make Avalon a beacon of pride for residents, reflecting the very best our beautiful island has to offer.
What is your stance on cruise ships and creating beneficial visitor counts?
Cruise ships and events during the off season are important aspects of our local economy which generate revenue and increase our visitor counts. Both provide jobs for residents, help make Avalon a year round destination, and benefit the city both directly and indirectly. As a city, we have few sources of income other than tourism and it is imperative to remain forward thinking as we address the needs of our community.
Cruise ships not only bring visitors on the ships themselves, but also introduce them to the island so they may return for future visits. Off season events catering to different demographics also bring new visitors and lead to repeat visits. I am supportive of these endeavors and am actively involved in ensuring that our local economy is thriving while maintaining the balance between tourism and the charm that makes Avalon unique. Currently, I am engaged in preliminary discussions regarding plans to bring back the Catalina Grand Prix, an event dearly loved and a treasured part of our local history that many feared would never return. These types of events, and cruise ships, are what allow businesses to remain open all year long, providing much needed steady employment for residents. Without them, operating in the off season would not be sustainable, and we would return to being a seasonal destination, leaving residents and occasional visitors with very few options for food and entertainment. I believe that as a city we have maintained a balance between revenue and quality of life and I believe that should always be a consideration. I believe it is important to continually assess which types of events, which cruise ships, and what frequency are best for residents and our local economy.