While there seems to be no clear end to this Coronavirus shutdown in sight, there is much speculation about beginning to re-open the state in coming months. And with the importance of visitors to the island, plans being discussed to bring back visitors as quickly as possible. The Catalina Island Chamber of Commerce and Visitor’s Bureau has released a very warm video that reaches out to regular visitors and potential new ones.
The video, entitled, “No Man is an Island,” is a very well-made video that is just one minute, thirty seconds, and shows beautiful shots of the island. It expresses how much visitors are missed and how the island is eager to welcome them back just as soon as it is safe to do so.
According to a message from the chamber, the video was picked up and shown on local television station NBC Los Angeles.
While this shutdown has not been easy, it seems that people and organizations are finding ways to get through it and even do good things in the process. The story in the April 17 issue of the Catalina Islander, regarding community members assisting the food pantry was a good example.
While residents are staying home as much as possible, organizations are finding more ways to reach out to people and offer some information and entertainment. Along with viewing the promo video on the chamber’s website, there are also links to other island videos and live stream to occupy some time.
There is also a link to the Catalina Island Museums Youtube chanel that has a short videos with drink recipes, called “Cocktails with Kellie.”
The Aquarium of the Pacific is launching a series of educational videos today, that are geared toward elementary school age children on some of the animals at the aquarium, like sea otters, penguins and the octopus.
It has not been easy, but most people seem to be rising to the challenge of this crisis. There is hope on the horizon.
Ted Apodaca is editor of The Catalina Islander. He can be reached at editor@thecatalinaislander.com or at 562-317-1100.