The Super Bowl of all outrigger championships takes place this weekend
On Saturday and Sunday, 18 men and women from Catalina Island will compete alongside more than a thousand outrigger paddlers from around the United States and as far as French Polynesia. The championship of all outrigger championships is the nine-man/woman Catalina Channel Crossing.
This race is known for its outstanding competition, making it
one of the most sought-after medals for any outrigger canoe club. The competition is fierce not only between teams but within the teams themselves. To become a member of a nine-man team you must be physically, mentally and emotionally prepared.
“The key to a solid team in outrigger is a fellowship brought together by a love of the ocean, dedication to the collective as opposed to the self and a season of training to come together at season’s end (the Catalina Channel Crossing U.S. Championships), as a single fluid unit working with the power of the sea to complete the journey,” coach Erie Diaz said.
The 26-plus mile crossing is over open water with unpredictable sea conditions. Added to this is the swell created by chase boats partnered with their team’s canoes. The responsibility of the team’s chase boat captain is to perfectly time their arrival alongside their canoe while creating as little wake a possible.
Next three paddlers jump into the water from the chase boat then form a line according to seat position. As their canoe paddles swiftly toward them they wait in anticipation. The following maneuver will win or lose a race as exact timing is needed to have a smooth exchange of paddlers.
As the paddlers in the water grab onto the canoe it continues moving forward while they swing their bodies over into their assigned seats. On the opposite side, the previous paddlers are jumping into the water and awaiting their pick-up by the chase boat. This continues every 20 to 40 minutes depending on the team’s coach who is orchestrating all of this from the chase boat. The idea being rest and rehydration so each paddler can perform at their peak while paddling.
Add to this the fact that there are motorboats and canoes all stirring up the water and positioning for their own team’s exchange of paddlers, and it becomes a very dangerous and difficult operation.
The Catalina Island women’s team will leave Newport Harbor and head out across the channel early morning Saturday, Sept. 7, with the drive and ambition to take home a medal.
The nine-woman team members are:
•Erica Minuto, Teacher/Avalon School, Islander 44 years, 1st crossing
•Aliana Gonzales, Account Technician, Islander 33 years, 3rd crossing
•Haley Stickler, Tour Operation Manager, Islander 31 years, 1st crossing
•Sadie Parson, New Mother, Islander 24 years, 1st crossing
•Margarita Jackson, Postmaster, Islander 7 years, 2nd crossing
•Aimee Warren, Physician, Islander 3 years, 2nd crossing
•Hilary Holt, Outreach Specialist, Islander 3 years, 3rd crossing
•Cressita Brown, Environmental Ed., Islander 1 year, 1st crossing
•Natalie Latshaw, Physical Therapist, Islander 1 year, 1st crossing
The women will arrive in Avalon after paddling five to six hours across the channel. The men’s team will then use the same canoes to paddle back to Newport Harbor from Avalon the following day, Sunday, Sept. 8.
The nine-man team members are:
•David Zeller, Construction Business, Islander 25 years, 1st crossing
•Andrew Hobbs, Pastor, Avalon Coach, Islander 10 years, 4th crossing
•David Hart, Avalon Rec. Coordinator, Islander 24 years, 3rd crossing
•Paul DeMyer, Real Estate Manager, Islander 18 years, 3rd crossing
•Greg Wright, Construction Business, Islander 50 years, 31+ crossings
•Roberto Perico, Hospitality Specialist, Islander 7 years, 1st crossing
•Dan Huncke, Community Services , Islander 3 years, 3rd crossing
•Ernie Diaz, Southern California Edison, Islander 3 years, 15th crossing
•Patrick Brayall, Physical Therapist, Islander 6 Months, 1st crossing