Letters to the Editor: Friday, March 1, 2019

Storm revealed unity of islanders

I am a new member of the CIYC and my husband and I were staying on the Island recently. A number of us found the sign (in photo) to be a bit ironic.
I would also like to share how incredible we found everyone associated with the huge task of clean up to be. What exceptional attitudes! The sheer volume of debris to be dealt with seemed daunting to say the least, but everyone we saw or spoke to was friendly, smiling, and considerate.
We watched the crew of guys hosing down the Clarissa (which was of course closed) very nicely pause so that the tourists wandering by wouldn’t be splashed with muddy water; we saw the Public Works crew working to clear all the rubble off Casino Way, all while maintaining a great and friendly attitude despite being constantly interrupted by all the traffic needing to get through (and fielding questions from some of us nosy passersby).
It’s wonderful to visit Catalina during the Summer when it’s beautiful, warm and sunny but this was a different face of Catalina’s beauty-the Islanders coming together during a challenging time.
Mary Haller

City manager is doing a good job

Dear Editor,
This letter is in full support of Denise Radde. We don’t care what titles she wears, she is doing a good job for our city. She has a lengthy history with Avalon and uses her background to prioritize and her experience to stay unruffled. We have had three city managers since we have been here (6 years), so clearly this is not an easy place to work.
That Denise has the city’s best interest at heart, I can attest to, as we have gone through many meetings regarding the building lease for Catalina Kid Ventures. Denise was so patient with me and so calm and yet firm in our discussions. I admired her fortitude and thoughtfulness.
To chastise Denise for being such a long-time employee and for doing two jobs is unkind. The diatribe against Ms. Radde was full of hyperbole and inaccuracies.
This type of personal attack is not proper for a televised city council meeting and it was wrong.
Judy and Dave Grear