The members of the Avalon Lions Club are happy to announce the start of a new community support program. The program name “CAT” stands for Community Action Team. Each Avalon Lions Club Member has an Avalon Community organization to team up with and to support. The entire Avalon Lions Club Membership will now be a resource for the community to utilize for assistance, financial needs and special event support. As an example, Avalon Lion Joe Martinize is the “CAT” partner for the Unloved Gift Shop.
He has let the Unloved Gift Shop folks know that the Avalon Lions are ready to help with manpower and or finances if needed. Avalon Lion Lolo Saldana will support Kids Baseball and Lion John Regalado will support the many races in the Island’s Interior. Take a look at the “CAT” list of Community organizations and the Avalon Lions who will be helping each one. If you see a need that the group has not addressed, let Avalon Lions Club President Burney Ramming know at bramming@aol.com.
Community Action Team
1. Provide man power and financial assistance to Avalon community organizations.
2. Strengthen the Avalon Lions Club through increased member involvement.
3. Promote the Avalon Lions Club’s importance as a Community Service Organization.
Operational Objectives:
1. Each Lions Club Member is a part of a support team for one or more Avalon Community organizations.
2. Lions working on “CAT” projects are encouraged to ask for help from any Club Member.
3. Lions “CAT” Members share their activities and or support needs at each Lions Meeting.
Avalon Lion “CAT” Team Members and Assignments:
1. Choices: __Jim Watson-Mel Dinkel
2. Haypress: __Steve Bray- Dave Thompson-Pete Edwards-Tom Jordahl
3. Race Coordinator: _John Regalado-Jamie Hmielak-Pat Troy
4. Kids at Play: __Amie Paret
5. Christmas Raffle: _Andrew Quintana- Conrado Vega
6. Beerfest: _Burney Ramming- Nathan Lins-Jamie Hmielak
7. Teen Center: _Mario Virgen-Dave Thompson
8. Meals on Wheels: _Stephen Batty
9. Humane Society: __Jordon Lake- Norm Frantz- Paul DeMyer
10. Kid Ventures Preschool: _Dave Grear
11. Avalon School Activities: _Bob Kennedy-Dave Zeller
12. Avalon Eye Glasses Donation Box and Lions Sight and Hearing Program: _Rick Harp
13. Kids Baseball Team and league: _Bill Engel- Danny Mello- Kenny Engel-Lolo Saldana
14. Commuter Book Program: _Jim Watson
15. Catalina Museum: _David Lee-Jamie Hmielak
16. Community Radio Station KILS: _Mike Sheehan
17. Avalon Scouting Program: Jim Parrish
18. Life Line Call Box for disabled people: _Dave Ashleigh
19. Unloved Gift Shop: __Joe Martinez
20. Avalon City Recreation Department: _John Maktal
21. Chamber of Commerce: _Bryce Noll
22. City Council: Oley Olsen-Steve Hoefs
23. Hospital _Rob Hill-Jason Paret
24. Catholic Church _Benny Calise
25. American Red Cross activities in Avalon_Jim Watson
Email your community news to editor@thecatalinaislander.com.