Gustafson is Avalon Sheriff’s Station Volunteer of Year

Avalon Sheriff’s Station and the community they serve appreciate the time and effort of its many volunteers.  

“The dedication and commitment of these men and women, who volunteer their time to help serve the citizens of Avalon, is truly amazing,” said Captain Doug Fetteroll. “They are there for us and the community whenever we need them and never ask for anything in return.”

Avalon Sheriff’s Station and the community they serve appreciate the time and effort of its many volunteers.  

“The dedication and commitment of these men and women, who volunteer their time to help serve the citizens of Avalon, is truly amazing,” said Captain Doug Fetteroll. “They are there for us and the community whenever we need them and never ask for anything in return.”

The entire cadre of station volunteers was recently treated to dinner at the Lobster Trap during Volunteer Appreciation Week as a small token of appreciation for what they do. Each year, one volunteer is recognized as the “Volunteer of the Year” for going above and beyond in their efforts to serve the community.

This year’s “Volunteer of the Year” award was presented to Glen Gustafson.

For the past six years, Gustafson has been a fixture at Avalon Station as a leader and an integral part of our Disaster Communications Services (DCS) Unit and our Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Glen has a passion for operating Ham radios and thoroughly enjoys working with other volunteers who share his unique skill set.  

After the Island Fire in 2007, when he saw the damage to the Island’s communication system and the potential for the loss of life, Gustafson decided to pursue his interest in Ham radios for the safety of the community.  

Gustafson privately shared a comment with Captain Fetteroll, but Fetteroll was so impressed, he felt it was worth repeating as it showed the kind of people Glen Gustafson and his wife, Jan, are,

“My wife and I agreed that if an emergency occurred here on the Island, we wanted to stay and become part of the emergency response effort, instead of being evacuated,” Gustafson said.

“The fact that one volunteer was specially recognized does not take away from the efforts of all of the other station volunteers who deserve our appreciation and thanks for their hours of service without expectation or receipt of compensation,” Fetteroll said.