Sheriff’s Log: Aug. 29 to Sept. 4, 2024

Avalon Sheriff's Station.

The following is the Avalon’s Sheriff’s Stations significant incidents report for the period of Aug. 29 to Sept. 4, 2024. All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Many people who are arrested do not get prosecuted in the first place and many who are prosecuted do not get convicted.

August 30

  • Deputies responded to a disturbance at the basketball courts. The caller stated 2 men were playing loud music and basketball. The caller was a bit concerned because it was 230 in the morning. The deputies contacted the men after observing their game. They told the men it was too late to be playing basketball and too late in life to think they could be in the NBA. The men took their ball and went home.
  • Deputies responded to a fight call at the Mole. The caller stated 2 young men were fist fighting. The deputies contacted the combatants who stated they were arguing while waiting in line for the boat. Due to their poor decision making, the men were not allowed on any departing boats for the rest of the evening.
  • Deputies responded to a disturbance call involving a drunk woman at the Mole. The informant on the call stated a woman was being refused service and was not allowed to board the departing ferry due to her intoxicated state. The deputies spoke to the woman and noticed she was under the influence of alcohol. They kindly asked the woman if she traveled to Catalina with anyone and if she had anyone to care for her. The woman said she traveled alone and just needed to get home. Melissa Woodring, 52, Newport Beach, was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public.

August 31

  • Deputies responded to a loud music disturbance call at Descanso Beach. The caller stated the DJ was playing loud, crappy music and even though his ears were bad he could still hear it. The deputies went to the location and heard the DJ playing a variety of tunes for all the guests to enjoy.
  • Deputies responded to a disturbance call on Crescent Avenue. The caller said a man was loitering and yelling at tourists. The deputies spoke to the man about his poor behavior and asked him to be nice to people. The man left the location without incident.
  • two hours after the above-mentioned call, Deputies responded to a disturbance at the Casino. The caller stated a man was yelling at the walls. The deputies arrived and noticed it was the same man from the earlier call. He was not committing any crimes. He was just yelling at the walls because nobody would listen.

September 1

  • A sergeant on patrol was flagged down by a local resident who stated she saw a man enter 3 different golf carts and attempt to start them. The sergeant located the man and stood behind a tree approximately 30 feet from the thief and surveilled him. The sergeant saw the man take the golf cart keys from the glove box, start the cart and stare at the gas pedal for at least 3 minutes trying to find reverse. The man was able to locate the gear selector, backed the cart out and began driving out of the mole parking lot. The sergeant stepped out from the tree, stood in front of the cart and detained the car thief. He asked the man what he was doing and if he had any identification. The man said he did not have an ID, was visiting the island and thought he could just drive any cart he wanted. Myles Rogers Halliday, 30, of Los Angeles, was arrested on suspicion of vehicle theft and booked at Avalon Station.

September 2

  • Deputies responded to East Whittley for a disturbance call. The informant said an Air BnB renter was being belligerent and refusing to leave the location. The deputies contacted the man who appeared upset and wanted to check out 5 hours later then the contract stated. The deputies were able to find an agreeable checkout time between the renter and the owner.